"You have been asked to devise and make a promotional music video for the new act detailed below. As a new act, the record label is keen that this first release appeal to their target audience. With this in mind, their first release will be a cover version and will be used as a platform for future original releases."The brief we were given could be applied to seven different artists. These include:
-Magma (DJ)
-Good Girlz Bad (Girl band)
-Lucy Star (Solo Female Artist)
-Tonic (Boy Band)
-Tom Spencer (Solo Male Artist)
-Smooth Criminals (Boy band)
-Black Hole (Rock band)
For this project I will be working with Daisy Westlotorn and Sarah Barker. We decided to work in this group because we work really well with each other and will take each others ideas into consideration. Also as we did our AS media title sequence together we know what each other is good at to make the best possible music video.
At the moment we have two possible artists that we are going to make their first promotional music video for. These are:
-Magma (DJ)
-Good Girlz Bad (Girl band)
We have yet to decide which artist we would like to produce a music video for.
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